distributed models

Hello, I am designing a web application that has several tiers including a Flex client, Rails server and SAP back-end. The application is an extension of functionality offered by SAP system. SOAP based web services are used communicate with the back-end. I am pondering on the implications of the fact that some of my data models are likely to be in the back-end and some in the Rails application and some are distributed (shared) between Rails and the back-end. I would appreciate any pointers toward relevant knowledge on this subject and if anyone tried something similar with Rails. Some of the questions I have to find answers to are: - How does one use ActiveRecord with shared models? - What are the implications of this type of distributed design? - Relevant design patterns.

thank you, Slava

- How does one use ActiveRecord with shared models?

You don't, ActiveRecord is for relational databases only. If your backend support REST-style web services, you can use ActiveResource that looks like ActiveRecord.

- What are the implications of this type of distributed design? - Relevant design patterns.

You'll find a discussion and many patterns related to this at "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architeture" and "Domain Driven Design" books.

Fine answer thank you much for your help.

thanks, My back-end does not support REST web services. It supports SOAP web services, so I can not use ActiveResource. Since I posted this question, I found sap4rails library that replaces ActiveRecord with SAP3Rails. The library looks like it was not modified since 2007, so I am wondering if it is up-to-date. I wonder if anyone has worked with sap4rails and if it is a good solution for integrating with SAP back-end.

thanks, Slava