Displaying images in Ruby

ryan wrote:

I'm trying to show an image that is associated with a house. It's crashing on the houses that do not have images associated with them. Here's my code:

<% if @house.picture_id != nil %>         <div class="blank-image">Image Goes Here</div>         Upload: <%= file_field("picture", "picture") %> <% else %>         <%= image_tag(url_for(           :controller => "picture_admin",           :action => "show",           :id => @picture.id),           :alt => @picture.name,           :class => "admin-img-preview") %> <% end %>

I've also tried the following:

<% if !@house.picture %> <% if @house.picture_id.nil? %> <% if @house.picture_id != 0 %> ...

I'm out of ideas! Please tell me how I can show this for houses that do not have images. Thanks!

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If I read your code correctly, it looks like you want to trap @houses without pictures in the first part of your conditional.

Try this... <% unless @house.picture_id %> do stuff for houses without pictures <% else %> do stuff for houses with pictures <% end %>
