Displaying events On calendar Cell , Like Backpack

Hi Geeks,

I have been struggling ahrd to show events on a calendar cells. I used the calendar_helper plugin and defined a todo scaffold

The controller is:

def index

    @todos = current_user.todos    @todo_by_date=@todos.find_all_by_due(start_date)

      respond_to do |format|       format.html # index.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @todos }     end   end

error faced when the view is

<%=calendar(:year => @year, :month => @month ) do |d| @todo_by_date.body end%>

ERROR => undefined method `body' for #<Array:0x61054b8>

& when <%=calendar(:year => @year, :month => @month ) do |d| @todos.find_all_by_due(d) end%>

ERROR => undefined method `map' for #<Todo:0x6381854>

whats the best way to show events on cells ? Any help will be highly appreciated.

regards Sanjay