displaying attribute from related table with a collection_select

I have two tables: Area, AreaType

Area belongs_to :area_type AreaType has_many :areas

In my view, I'd like to select from a list of Areas, however, instead of using the :area_type_id attribute, I would like to use the associated area_type names. Here's what it looks like now:

<%= f.collection_select(:area_id, Area.where(:subject_id => @search.subject_id), :id, :area_type_id, {:include_blank => true} ) %>

What I want is: <%= f.collection_select(:area_id, Area.where(:subject_id => @search.subject_id), :id, area.area_type.name, {:include_blank => true} ) %>

Anyone know how I would go about creating the area.area_type.name "symbol" to user here?

Thanks in advance!

Well that was easy! After a little trial and error, I created a new method in the area.rb and used the name of that method in the collection select :slight_smile: Cheers