Disabling layout in action disables rendering of action data


I have a base layout (views/layouts/base.erb) included from ApplicationController -- layout 'base'

This seems to work fine and all controllers automatically include that layout. However I am now trying to disable layout for certain actions when I do a GET on them. For example I try to GET some json data using http://localhost:3001/admin/someaction/1.json (from within my view page to load some json data dynamically)

The "someaction" action in admin controller is something like below

def someaction     respond_to do |format|       format.html {       }       format.json {         render(:layout => false) <--- Doing this disables sending of @somevar through the view         @somevar = compute_contents_of_this_var_in_json      }      logger.info("@somevar = " + @somevar)    end end

In views/admin/someaction.json.erb I have a single line as below <%= @somevar %>

This basically sends out the json data in @somevar to the browser.

The problem I am running into is that when I set rendering of layout to false in someaction, no data gets sent out (@somevar has the needed data - I see that in the logs) and when I don't turn off rendering of layout, I get all the HTML from my layout (as I would expect) that I don't want.

I tried removing the layout statement from ApplicationController and then without having to turn off layout rendering in someaction, it sends out the right json data without the HTML.

I don't understand why turning off rendering of layout in someaction disables sending of the json data in the @somevar variable. Sounds like I am missing something basic but not sure what it is. I am on 2.2.2

Thanks for your help. -S