db:fixures:load does not call Model.save()


$ ruby script/generate model balance plus:integer minus:integer equal:integer

$ cat app/models/balance.rb class Balance < ActiveRecord::Base   def save     self.equal = self.plus - self.minus     super   end end

$ cat test/fixtures/balances.yml _10-1:   plus: 10   minus: 1

$ rake db:fixtures:load

$ sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3

select * from balances;

//=> |xxx|10|1||... // equal is not 9

Even create_or_update() was the same.

Should I write it as   equal: 9 in the fixture-file?

It's not DRY.


$ sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3 > select * from balances; //=> |xxx|10|1||... // equal is not 9

Even create_or_update() was the same.

fixtures are directly inserted into the db

Should I write it as equal: 9 in the fixture-file?

It's not DRY.

It isn't, but then again your data just isn't dry. You can use erb in your fixtures ( <%= %>) if it's bothering you that much.


Fred, thank for the reply!

I was able to understand very well.

Thakyou very much!

isyairazu wrote:

Fred, thank for the reply!

I was able to understand very well.

Thakyou very much!

You do understand fixtures are in most cases a bad idea to use.

Frederick Cheung wrote:

Thankyou Fernando and Marnen! I forget fixtures. I will learn Machinist.

Thankyou very much!