Custom ActiveRecord finder invoking named scopes?

I have a custom finder defined here:

Where search_by_date and search_by_text are named scopes, and eager is an eager-loading named scope defined as:

named_scope :eager, :include => [{:container_inventory => {:container => [:size_type, :grade]}}, :company, :truck, :hauler]

The association is setup via a HMT (has_many :through):

class ContainerDepot << ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :container_inventories   has_many :container_gate_ins, :through => :container_inventories do end

The problem is if the finder is invoked via association nesting from ContainerDepot, it fails with an ActiveRecord::Statement::Invalid, saying that the table has been specified more than once. => ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: table name "container_inventories" specified more than once

I could correct it by copying the whole custom finder as an association extension:

class ContainerDepot << ActiveRecord::Base   ...   has_many :container_gate_ins, :through => :container_inventories do     def search(text)       ... custom finder code from ContainerGateIn ...     end   end   ... end

it is not very DRY though and introduces a very unnecessary and potentially problematic redundancy, as the custom finder will have to be changed from time to time to accomodate additional search logic.

Any ideas on how this could be done better?