cPanel RoR with mySQL database


I have just started using Ruby on Rails with cPanel. I can set up my application ok but I am having problems with linking the application with a mysql database.

I have run ruby sctipt/generate model and created the table through the migration. The table appears in the database correctly.

The original settings were for sqlite3 but I want to use mysql so that may be the issue.

I have changed the database.yml file matching with the correct db information; development:   adapter: mysql   database: [hidden]   username: [hidden]   password: [hidden]   host: localhost   socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

I want to access a table from the db.

In the team controller I do this (i have a table called teams);

@team = Team.find(:all)

and in the views do this;

<% for player in @team %>   <%= %> <% end %>

but I get this error;

NoMethodError in Team#index

Showing team/index.html.erb where line #4 raised:

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.each

Extracted source (around line #4):

1: Team Says Hi 2: <br /><br /> 3: 4: <% for player in @team %> 5: <%= %> 6: <% end %> 7:

hope you can help.

Thanks a lot

try executing following

seems like your table is empty

try follwoing open command window.. goto your project directory.. run console.. ./script/console they try Team.find(:all) and see if it returns anything.. it will tell you if there is any data in teams table.

let me know



Yep the data is shown which I had entered into the table, through the migration.

Hope you can help,

Thanks a lot!