Could Someone please explain how to repeate my code recursivly?


I am new to programming and following Chris Pines book. There is an exercise in the book to write a method similar to .sort that will arrange an array of string in alphabetical order. I will paste the exercise:

OK. So we want to sort an array of words, and we know how to find out which of two words comes first in the dictionary (using <). What strikes me as probably the easiest way to do this is to keep two more lists around: one will be our list of already-sorted words, and the other will be our list of still-unsorted words. We’ll take our list of words, find the “smallest” word (that is, the word that would come first in the dictionary), and stick it at the end of the already-sorted list. All of the other words go into the still-unsorted list. Then you do the same thing again but using the still-unsorted list instead of your original list: find the smallest word, move it to the sorted list, and move the rest to the unsorted list. Keep going until your still-unsorted list is empty.

I think I covered the first bit of the exercise but when I try to repeat my method recursively it fails. Would you be please so kind to take a look at my code and tell me what am I doing wrong?

puts 'Please enter a list of words you would like to arrange' puts 'in alphabetical order:'

list_of_words = input = 'empty'

while input != ''         input = gets.chomp         if input != ''                 list_of_words.push input         end end

def arrange some_array recursive_arrange some_array, end

def recursive_arrange unsorted_array, sorted_array

# Initializing the array "still_unsorted_array"

        still_unsorted_array =

# Finding the smallest word on the array "list_of_words"

        smallest = unsorted_array [0]

        unsorted_array.each do |word|                 if smallest > word                         smallest = word                 end         end

# Adding the smallest word from the array of "unsorted words" to the array of "sorted_words"

        sorted_array.push smallest

# Adding the words from the array of "unsorted_array" to the array of "still_unsorted_array" # with the exception of the content of variable "smallest"

        bigger = 'empty'

        unsorted_array.each do |word|                 if word != smallest                         bigger = word                         still_unsorted_array.push bigger                 end         end

# Clearing the array of "unsorted_array" so it can be re-used

        unsorted_array = # Adding the smallest word from the array of "still_unsorted words" to the array of "sorted_words"

        smallest = still_unsorted_array [0]         still_unsorted_array.each do |word|                 if smallest > word                         smallest = word                 end         end

# Adding the smallest word from the array of "still_unsorted words" to the array of "sorted_words"

        sorted_array.push smallest

# Adding the remaining words from the array "still_unsorted_words" to the array of # "unsorted_words"

        still_unsorted_array.each do |word|                 if word != smallest                         bigger = word                         unsorted_array.push bigger                 end         end

# This is the bit I tried to call the method recursively.

        if unsorted_array == unsorted_array =                 puts sorted_array                 else                         recursive_arrange unsorted_array, sorted_array         end

puts 'unsorted array:'         puts unsorted_array         puts 'still unsorted array:'         puts still_unsorted_array         puts 'sorted array:'         puts sorted_array


arrange list_of_words

You're making this far, far, far more complicated than it needs to be. Hint 1: you only need two arrays, sorted & unsorted, all the shuffling in & out of temporary arrays is unnecessary and just complicates your code--this is by far most important. Hint 2: use the appropriate functions on enumerable (parent class of array) with blocks to get rid of the loops--maybe your book hasn't gotten to this yet, if so don't worry about it, but it's those functions that let you express the sorting part in about 10 lines or so of code.