"Confirmation" succeeds when the *_confirmation attribute was neglected from the Model.

<pre> models/user.rb:

# Oops! I forgot to add the :password_confirmation attribute!

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessor :password   attr_accessible :password #, :password_confirmation

  validates(:password,             :confirmation => true,             :presence => true) end


  3 # == Active Model Confirmation Validator   4 module Validations   5 class ConfirmationValidator < EachValidator   6 def validate_each(record, attribute, value)   7 if (confirmed = record.send("#{attribute}_confirmation")) && (value != confirmed)   8 record.errors.add(attribute, :confirmation, options)   9 end 10 end </pre>

At line 7, since the attribute does not exist, no error is recorded. That's wrong. If password_confirmation does not exist, then it was certainly *not* confirmed. Sure, I would find the mistake later, probably ... or maybe not, if I type 'password' instead of 'password_confirmation' elsewhere in my code.

I think that :confirmation=>true should *require* the *_confirmation attribute, and it validate_each should issue a *different* error message when missing (since otherwise this would be hard for a developer to debug).