complex form with dynamic fields.

I've seen #73 Complex Forms Part 1 - RailsCasts, part2 and part3. It seems to be my case. I have: Company has_many :documents has_many :tenders, :through..........

and Document belongs_to :company

Tender has_many :companies, :through..........

I want to insert documents and tenerds on company creation. If documents are more than one the user can click "add another" and other fields are added to form. It seems ok but I fear that it makes too complex my code. I think it is better to insert a Company and after saved it then add one or more documents or tenders in different forms. What do you think about?

I've seen #73 Complex Forms Part 1 - RailsCasts, part2 and part3. It seems to be my case. I have: Company has_many :documents has_many :tenders, :through..........

and Document belongs_to :company

Tender has_many :companies, :through..........

I want to insert documents and tenerds on company creation. If documents are more than one the user can click "add another" and other fields are added to form. It seems ok but I fear that it makes too complex my code. I think it is better to insert a Company and after saved it then add one or more documents or tenders in different forms. What do you think about?

What matters is what is best for the user of the site. On the other hand there is a lot to be said (especially when still learning) for doing the simplest that will work initially and then refining it later.


In a similar situation what could it be your approach?

I cannot advise you how your website should operate, that is up to you. You could try it one way, see how it feels, try it the other and then decide which you like best. Make sure you use a version control system (git for example) so you can easily get back to where you were previously and so you have a record of what you did.
