complex find

I have

class Debtortrans < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :debtortranstaxes, :foreign_key => 'debtortransid', :class_name => 'debtortranstaxes'   belongs_to :debtor, :foreign_key => 'debtorno'


class Debtortranstaxes < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :debtortrans, :foreign_key => 'debtortransid'

Now I want to find Debtortrans records but only those with specific Debtortranstaxes values...

@debtor = Debtortrans.find(:all,   :conditions => ["trandate > ? and trandate < ? AND debtortranstaxes.taxauthid = ?", @per1, @per.lastdate_in_period, "24"],   :include => 'debtortranstaxes',   :select => 'debtorno, trandate, transno, ovamount')

but this gives me an error... NameError: undefined local variable or method `debtortranstaxes' for #<Class:0xb7a4e644>

so I change the conditions to   :conditions => ["trandate > ? and trandate < ? AND taxauthid = ?", @per1, @per.lastdate_in_period, "24"],

and I get this error... ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'taxauthid' in 'where clause': SELECT debtorno, trandate, transno, ovamount FROM `debtortrans` WHERE (trandate > '2009-04-30' and trandate < '2009-05-31' AND taxauthid = '24')

obviously because taxauthid column is not in debtortrans table but in the 'has_many' table of debtortranstaxes.

How do I get the search of debtortrans with only appropriate records in debtortranstaxes table?


I have

class Debtortrans < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :debtortranstaxes, :foreign_key => 'debtortransid', :class_name => 'debtortranstaxes'   belongs_to :debtor, :foreign_key => 'debtorno'


class Debtortranstaxes < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :debtortrans, :foreign_key => 'debtortransid'

Now I want to find Debtortrans records but only those with specific Debtortranstaxes values...

@debtor = Debtortrans.find(:all,   :conditions => ["trandate > ? and trandate < ? AND debtortranstaxes.taxauthid = ?", @per1, @per.lastdate_in_period, "24"],   :include => 'debtortranstaxes',   :select => 'debtorno, trandate, transno, ovamount')

but this gives me an error... NameError: undefined local variable or method `debtortranstaxes' for #<Class:0xb7a4e644>

so I change the conditions to   :conditions => ["trandate > ? and trandate < ? AND taxauthid = ?", @per1, @per.lastdate_in_period, "24"],

and I get this error... ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'taxauthid' in 'where clause': SELECT debtorno, trandate, transno, ovamount FROM `debtortrans` WHERE (trandate > '2009-04-30' and trandate < '2009-05-31' AND taxauthid = '24')

obviously because taxauthid column is not in debtortrans table but in the 'has_many' table of debtortranstaxes.

How do I get the search of debtortrans with only appropriate records in debtortranstaxes table?