Choosing ROR

I am hoping for some help on choosing the right programming language.

First, some background. I have not done any programming since high school (I was the class of '00). I learned to program in C++, with some dabling in Delphi. I was an average coder at the time (I got a 4 in AP computers). All this to say, I understand basic programming concepts, but haven't done any coding since the Clinton was president (and I was never very good).

With all that in mind, I have an idea for a web-based program for a personalized finance tool, kind of like a specialized mortgage calculator. It currently exists as an excel spreadsheet. The program is mostly basic BEDMAS math, but there are some array calculations built into it (which, I am certain, would be very easy to program).

I would also like the program to be able to do the following: * create unique logins for users, with users' data being saved with their accounts * query users on a series of preferences (and use this data to create a financial profile) * import.csv (or similar) files * a user option of a simple GUI or an advanced GUI, that interacts like a spreadsheet

My questions are these: Would ROR be a good choice? Any stumbling blocks if I use it? Any advice on what I could read to get up to speed to program in ROR or in another language. (I've started the zombies program, but anything else?)

Many thanks.

I am hoping for some help on choosing the right programming language.

First, some background. I have not done any programming since high school (I was the class of '00). I learned to program in C++, with some dabling in Delphi. I was an average coder at the time (I got a 4 in AP computers). All this to say, I understand basic programming concepts, but haven't done any coding since the Clinton was president (and I was never very good).

With all that in mind, I have an idea for a web-based program for a personalized finance tool, kind of like a specialized mortgage calculator. It currently exists as an excel spreadsheet. The program is mostly basic BEDMAS math, but there are some array calculations built into it (which, I am certain, would be very easy to program).

I would also like the program to be able to do the following: * create unique logins for users, with users' data being saved with their accounts * query users on a series of preferences (and use this data to create a financial profile) * import.csv (or similar) files * a user option of a simple GUI or an advanced GUI, that interacts like a spreadsheet

My questions are these: Would ROR be a good choice? Any stumbling blocks if I use it? Any advice on what I could read to get up to speed to program in ROR or in another language. (I've started the zombies program, but anything else?)

I don't see any major issues doing that with RoR, if I were doing it that would be my choice. You might like to try the tutorial at which is free to use online. Most Rails developers use Linux (I use ubuntu) or MAC, it is possible on Windows I believe but most would advise against it.

When installing use rvm to manage ruby and gemsets.


I would agree with Colin to say RoR would be a good choice for the idea that you have. Rails allows you to easily create authentication modules, profiles for users, has got wonderful backend functionality with popular DBs. That being said there would certainly be Stumbling Blocks on your RoR path, but that would be the case on most any other platforms. That shouldn't derail you though. And you can learn and refine you RoR skills through these amazing resources:-