chinese lang failed in SaltedHashLogin


I'm using SaltedHashLogin, it works well.

now, I want to switch language to be Chinese, so I edit a new yaml in utf-8 with all Chinese value inside.

Then I encouter "Rails application failed to start properly" problem when start...

In the server.log, the error info is: ../lib/localization.rb:55:in `iconv': "\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87" (Iconv::IllegalSequence)

And the code for this is:   def self.load_localized_strings     # Load language files     Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/lang/*.yaml'].each do |filename|       filename =~ /(([a-z]+_?)+)\.yaml$/       hash = YAML::load(       file_charset = hash['file_charset'] || 'ascii'       lang = $1

      # convert string keys to symbols       symbol_hash =[:web_charset], file_charset) do |i|         hash.each do |key, value|           symbol_hash[key.to_sym] = i.iconv(value)           if key =~ /^active_record_errors_(.*)/             ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[$1.to_sym] =               symbol_hash[key.to_sym]           end         end       end

      LOCALIZED_STRINGS[lang] = symbol_hash     end   end

any one have any idea? my lang file is saved in utf-8 format.

Thanks there, ssyangy