Checkboxes returning true or false

Hi, I've got a checkbox on my form that the user checks to say whether they want to receive a newsletter or not. It looks like this:

  <form method="post" action="">     <%= check_box :customer, :subscribe_to_newsletter %>     <%= submit_tag "Create Customer" %>   </form>

The subscribe_to_newsletter attribute is not in the database, just a attr_accessor :subscribe_to_newsletter.

I need to write a method to show whether this has been checked or not. I believe that if the attribute was in the database, then a question mark method such as subscribe_to_newsletter? would automatically written for me to return true or false. But, it's not in the database.

I've written this so far, which works, but is there a better way which I am missing?

  def receive_newsletter?     subscribe_to_newsletter == "1" ? true : false   end    Thanks, Jord