Changeset 5634/5635 Break Integration Tests (with follow_redirect!)

Changing the redirect header to use 'Location' rather than 'location' breaks integration tests that use follow_redirect. Look at integration.rb:279 (parse_result):

        def parse_result           headers, result_body = @result.split(/\r\n\r\n/, 2)

          @headers = { |h,k| h[k] = }           headers.each_line do |line|             key, value = line.strip.split(/:\s*/, 2)             @headers[key.downcase] << value           end

For some reason header keys as returned from the result are all downcased, which means that 'location' rather than 'Location' is set in the response header. So, now 'Location' is nil and I get URI parse errors.

I PDId, how should we fix this?

Changing the redirect header to use 'Location' rather than 'location' breaks integration tests that use follow_redirect. Look at integration.rb:279 (parse_result):

Well, the header isn't the problem it's the change in integration.rb. Normalising http headers is reasonably common, I believe the servlet API does it too (enterprise!).

If changing that line back to location fixes it, then we can just commit that.

I think this change should be backed out. Especially since the ActionController tests don't pass.

At this point dealing with the cascade effects of getting rid of the downcase is going to be pretty messy. This isn't the sort of change you want to be making in a release candidate.

I agree the problem isn't in parse_result, the problem is in the changeset (which changed the header to Location instead of location). Either way, if the AP tests pass when the change is made things should work, one way or another.


I think this change should be backed out. Especially since the ActionController tests don't pass.

At this point dealing with the cascade effects of getting rid of the downcase is going to be pretty messy. This isn't the sort of change you want to be making in a release candidate.

What went before it was worse. We'd set "Status" but "location". Getting one style for headers is much easier to deal with when you reason about what should be done to the lot of them. So let's fix the tests and any trouble arising from this.

The header should be Location, and follow_redirect should work with the normalised headers. [5641] takes care of this.