change drop down list to radio buttons

In my RoR app I would like to change a drop down list, which dispays a list of colors selected from the database. Instead I would like to create a radio button for each color. The user is allowed to check one color and this will be saved back into the database as the color for this user. I don't know how to do this. Currently it looks like this:

<%= select(:user, :color_id, Color.find(:all).collect {|c| [, ] }, { :include_blank => false })%>

Color.find(:all).each do |color|   <%= select :user, :color_id,, :style=>"background: ##{color.rgb_value};" %> end

Okay, the style part is not really required but it might make for an interesting way for your users to select their color -- they'd see it displayed on the UI.

HTH, AndyV

Color.find(:all).each do |color|   <input type="radio" id="color_id" name="color_id" value="<%=color_id %>" /><%=color.rgb_value%> end