Change column name in view

Pål Bergström wrote:

How can I change the column name from the db so it's displayed in view in a different way?

Your question is unclear as stated. Can you provide more context?


Pål Bergström wrote: [...]

The column name in the db is 'email'. I would like that to be displayed in Swedish like 'E-post'.

And what's your view file like?


Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Pål Bergström wrote: [...]

The column name in the db is 'email'. I would like that to be displayed in Swedish like 'E-post'.

And what's your view file like?

Best, -- Marnen Laibow-Koser

I mean in an error_messages_for. Sorry.

Are you using Rails 2.2 or 2.3? In these versions, you could use the I18n library (editing the .yml on the config/locales directory):

activerecord:     attributes:       <model_name>:         <field>: <translated_name>

You could put this in your model (the one that maps to the table with the email column) if you don't need to use the internationalisation capabilities:

HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES = {:email => 'E-post'} def self.human_attribute_name(attr)   HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES[attr.to_sym] || super end

Note that you can rename more than one column: HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES = {:email => 'E-post', :some_other_column => 'Another name'}

Chris Bartlett wrote:

HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES = {:email => 'E-post'} def self.human_attribute_name(attr)   HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES[attr.to_sym] || super end

Note that you can rename more than one column: HUMAN_ATTRIBUTES = {:email => 'E-post', :some_other_column => 'Another name'}

Great. Works perfect.