Can't update one model from another model (polymorphic models)

Hi. I'm having a little trouble updating a model of mine. So I have a Dimension model which is polymorphic. The 2 derived classes are Fact and Opinion. In my Dimension model I have an after_save callback function that creates an Opinion record whenever a Fact record is created. So it looks like this:

In my fact controller, in the update action, I set the old_name to whatever the fact's name was before its creation. So if the

def create_opinion_if_fact   if valuable_type == 'Fact'     op = Opinion.find_by_name @old_name

    unless op       op =       op.dimension = :name => name     end = name     op.dimension.desc = desc

    # Give the opinions the same associations as the fact     op.dimension.concepts.clear

    concepts.each do |c|       op.dimension.concepts << c     end!   end end

In my facts_controller's update and create actions, I set Dimension.old_name to Fact.find(params[:id]) Since this will have the old name in it. Of course when creating a new fact, this will be empty, so in that case (the create action) I set old_name to params[:fact][:dimension_attributes][:name].

So when I create a new fact, the opinion gets created as well. When I try and update a fact, I get a validation error saying that the 'name' is already taken. But I don't understand why this happens because if I update a fact and don't change a name, then the first line in my create_opinion_if_fact function will find a fact that's already there, and then the save! should just update it.

Also, I have "validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :valuable_type, :case_sensitive => false" in my Dimension model. Valuable is the polymorphic link in this case.

One other thing. When I get rid of! at the end of that function and replace it with false, I get 2 opinions created for every fact. When I change it to just, then everything works fine (because it doesn't throw an exception and fails silently instead).

Thanks for any help