Canceling execution of parent method

I'm trying to write sort of a short-and-sweet authentication permissions system. As it is right now, I know how I think I want it to work but I'm having trouble making it escape the controller action that was running if validation fails.

Controller in some action:       if belongs_to_current_user?(@article)         # User must have permission to edit their own article         permission_required("article", "edit")       else         # User must have permission to edit other's articles         permission_required("article", "edit-a")       end

Application controller:   # Denies access to unauthorized users.   def permission_required(cont, code)     unless permission?(cont, code)       flash[:warning] = "You don't have the permission required for access to this function"       redirect_to home_url       return false     end   end

The "return false" I have there, I want it cancel processing from the action in my controller but it only cancels processing from the rest of the permission_required method.

I'm at a loss as to how to put code safely after calling permission_required in my controller, without worrying about it getting executed anyway after the user is redirected.