Calls between methods of application.rb

I have a set_lang() and a write_to_log() method in app/controllers/application.rb

set_lang() calls write_to_log().

Nothing happens. I should expect that write_to_log is either called or an exception is thrown. However, it seems that it is silently ignored. To prove this I called write_to_log00(), which does not exist. Still the same behavior.

Is this normal?

To make things more specific, here is my code:

# file: app/controllers/application.rb

  def write_to_log(msg)"logfile.txt", "a") do |file|       now =         file.puts("#{now}\t#{msg}")       end   end

  def set_lang     code = params[:id]     if code != "el" && code != "en" && code != "de"         code = "el"     end     @lang = code

    write_to_log("set_lang\t" + code)

    cookies[:lang] =       {         :value => code,         :expires => + 1.year,         :path => '/'       }     # redisplay the page in the new language     redirect_to request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]   end