Call Javascript

I have following code. I have included the javascript file at the top of page. Still it is giving errors

CODE: <p>     <%= f.label :content %><br />     <%= f.text_area :content, {onkeyup="strcount(1);chngcnt(1);" onkeydown="chngcnt(1);" onblur="chngcnt(1);" onfocus="chngcnt(1);} %>   </p>

ERROR: compile error /home/abc/Desktop/workspace/group_paging/app/views/messages/new.html.erb:12: odd number list for Hash ...ount(1);chngcnt(1);" onkeydown="chngcnt(1);" onblur="chngcnt...

Please help me in calling the javascript function on following events. Where Am I wrong ?

    <%= f.text_area :content, {onkeyup="strcount(1);chngcnt(1);" onkeydown="chngcnt(1);" onblur="chngcnt(1);" onfocus="chngcnt(1);} %>

The errors come from Ruby - inside the <%%> tag - not from Javascript.

Google for [ruby option hash], and compare it to what you wrote. You need more symbols and arrows in there...