bug in date_select

I don't know who lumen is or what exactly your bug is, but I have experienced a bug with various actionview related items.

Specifically value(object) calls in form_helper*.rb

ActionView::TemplateError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)     On line #32 of app/views/grants/_form.rhtml

    29: <%= text_field 'grant', 'ras_award_number' %></p>     30:     31: <p><label for="grant_pi_id">Principle Investigator</label><br/>     32: <%= collection_select 'grant', 'pi_id', @pis, 'id', 'name' %></p>     33:     34: <p><label for="grant_project_title">Project Title</label><br/>     35: <%= text_field 'grant', 'project_title' %></p>

#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb:308:in `value'

#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb:308:in `to_collection_select_tag'

#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_options_helper.rb:71:in `collection_select'     #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/grants/_form.rhtml:32:in `_run_rhtml_47app47views47grants47_form46rhtml'

It does the same thing on datetime_select and other actionview calls.

In the example above, the problem is in line 308 of forms_options_helper.rb. If you comment out that line it works.

My rails foo isn't good enough to patch it right now and I don't have the energy to debug value(object), but I suspect this will be caught swiftly and resolved. Although, I don't know how it got into the release to be honest. I would have thought someone's tests would have caught it.

I'm running frozen rails 1.2RC2.

Ringo wrote:

Just want to note that I fixed the problem I describe below. It was most likely that my rails application's script directory contained bins from 1.1.6, but also could have been a slight config issue. If you run into a similar problem try replacing your script/ directory with the one provided with the release you're using (if you've frozen rails in vendor/rails, then use vendor/rails/railties/bin). Otherwise, replace your config/ files with the ones from the release you're using.

Hi, you should perform the following action instead to update your scripts, configs, and javascript:

rake rails:update

Good luck,


ps: Is there a Rails FAQ where one        could enter this information?

Hi perhaps somewhere in the rails wiki like http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/FAQ though it needs some housekeeping. cheers, Spyros