Booleans on new records.

I have a array of Projects, which contains all Projects that have their 'display' object set to 1 (true).

The problem is: when I create a new record, I tried changing the value of 'display' to false. This did not change the value as false when it entered the database. In contrast to this, when I edit an existing record and change the value of 'display' to false, it does.

I have raised the value of display before and after save to ensure it wasn't (somehow) being changed at this stage.

My controller code can be seen here:

If there's anything else you need to assist me with this, please let me know.

Pale Horse wrote:

My controller code can be seen here:

Oh, where to begin. Unless I'm completely daft, I see only one single line in your new method that belongs in a "new" action.

This one: @project =

Compare your method with what a new method should look like in a controller:

Example:   # GET /presentations/new   # GET /presentations/new.xml   def new     @presentation =

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @presentation }     end   end

The new method of a controller serves one purpose (following the single responsibility principal). That purpose is to GET the blank form. In other words the blank form is considered to be a resource that request using a GET method having a resource identifier similar to:

Take note that the @presentation object is used only for context to draw the form. When the form is submitted that instance of @presentation gets thrown away. A new instance is then initialized at the beginning of the "create" method as you can see in the following example:

Example:   # POST /presentations   # POST /presentations.xml   def create     @presentation =[:presentation])

    respond_to do |format|       if         flash[:notice] = 'Presentation was successfully created.'         format.html { redirect_to(@presentation) }         format.xml { render :xml => @presentation, :status => :created, :location => @presentation }       else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @presentation.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

Your "new" method seems to be attempting to take on both responsibilities. I know there is such a thing as a post-back pattern, but the sorts of problems you're having now are why that pattern is strongly discouraged in modern web application design.

Besides all that, if all you're attempting to do is set a default state for your boolean fields when creating new records, then set a default state in your migration (... :default => false).

Robert Walker wrote:

Pale Horse wrote:

My controller code can be seen here:

Oh, where to begin. Unless I'm completely daft, I see only one single line in your new method that belongs in a "new" action.

I can't argue with that but this is not my site. Frankly, I don't have the *time* to make those kinds of amendments across the site, so in the light of consistency, I will not make one here. Perhaps when I obtain more time, I will return to this project and tighten this code. I am, equally, not happy with this method. Despite this, it *certainly* works.

This one: @project =

Compare your method with what a new method should look like in a controller:

Thank you, I'm well aware what is generated by the scaffolding. Digression...

Example:   # GET /presentations/new   # GET /presentations/new.xml   def new     @presentation =

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @presentation }     end   end

The new method of a controller serves one purpose (following the single responsibility principal). That purpose is to GET the blank form. In other words the blank form is considered to be a resource that request using a GET method having a resource identifier similar to:

Take note that the @presentation object is used only for context to draw the form. When the form is submitted that instance of @presentation gets thrown away. A new instance is then initialized at the beginning of the "create" method as you can see in the following example:

Example:   # POST /presentations   # POST /presentations.xml   def create     @presentation =[:presentation])

    respond_to do |format|       if         flash[:notice] = 'Presentation was successfully created.'         format.html { redirect_to(@presentation) }         format.xml { render :xml => @presentation, :status => :created, :location => @presentation }       else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @presentation.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

Your "new" method seems to be attempting to take on both responsibilities. I know there is such a thing as a post-back pattern, but the sorts of problems you're having now are why that pattern is strongly discouraged in modern web application design.

I'm well aware that this is not the correct method to invoke this action.

Besides all that, if all you're attempting to do is set a default state for your boolean fields when creating new records, then set a default state in your migration (... :default => false).

Again, I'm well aware that default values can be set in migrations.

Now, I realised that a lib file was being included. One that the developer prior to myself had (for some reason) put in and had written himself for a generator. On initialising this, it sets the value of 'display' to true regardless of the state in which it is.

Conclusively, check your inclusions if the site you're working on was not created by yourself.

Pale Horse wrote:

Robert Walker wrote:

Pale Horse wrote:

My controller code can be seen here:

Oh, where to begin. Unless I'm completely daft, I see only one single line in your new method that belongs in a "new" action.

I don't have a lot to say about the original problem that Robert didn't already mention, but I do think I should mention a couple of things about development practice that will save you a lot of grief going forward.

I can't argue with that but this is not my site.

The moment you start working on it, it is in a sense your site. Take ownership of the code and do the right things.

Frankly, I don't have the *time* to make those kinds of amendments across the site, so in the light of consistency, I will not make one here.

That is generally poor reasoning. It is usually a good idea to "fix broken windows" -- that is, fix obviously bad code as you come across it; it will save time and incrementally improve the quality of the codebase. You don't have to make a grand refactoring sweep through the whole project if you don't have time; just fix bad code where it annoys you. See .

Delaying fixes that would help you, just in order to keep some larger "consistency", is generally not a great idea.

Perhaps when I obtain more time, I will return to this project and tighten this code. I am, equally, not happy with this method. Despite this, it *certainly* works.

If it worked, presumably you wouldn't be having problems with it. If you can't maintain it as is, then fix it.


As I have said, I've realised the problem is not with the controller code that's under discussion but with a lib file that takes precedence over it. Conversing more on the matter would be an exercise in futility, however.

That said, Marnen & Robert, I will read that Wiki and have absorbed what you've said - thanks.