Books belongs_to authors. How to find only author with books


I have a table called Books And a table called Authors

Books belong_to authors

How can I find only authors that have books?


Fernando Brito wrote:


I have a table called Books And a table called Authors

Books belong_to authors

How can I find only authors that have books?


I think an author can write many books so that you can put has_many :books in Author ActiveRecord

so that you can find books easily

@author = Author.find(:first)

@books = @author.books


I thought I’d point out too that one book can have multiple authors, so you might need something like

Book id name

Writings book_id author_id

Author id name

and use something like

Books has_many :authors, :through => :writings Writings belongs_to :book, belongs_to :author Author has_many :books, :through => :writings

To get that many to many relationship working.

As for your question, and using the above, now all you need to do is construct a find query to get authors if COUNT(*) FROM writings WHERE author_id = [id here] and check its size is > 0

That would be my solution anyway. A more exp. rails dev might have a faster option.

Regards Kieran

This is not optimal code, but you can make a method in Author:

def self.find_all_with_books   authors =   for author in self.find(:all)     authors << author if author.books.count > 0   end   authors end

If you're using Rails 2.1 you can check out named_scope. Not familiar with it yet, but it goes something like this

class Author < ....   has_many :books   named_scope :published, :include => :books, :conditions => ["books.count > 0"]

I'm pretty sure the code won't work. Watch this to be more familiar with it though #108 named_scope - RailsCasts

I like that, though what about finding the db records with sql and a standard table join?

I suppose it'd be the same in terms of cpu cycles, etc.

No it wouldn’t, doing it in SQL would result in one query and less cycles.

Something like:

Author.find(:all, :joins => :books)

Should do the trick, this should do a query with an inner equijoin on Authors and Books, so Authors without books would not be returned.

Note that I haven’t actually tested this code.

There's always the cheat's version: have a counter_cache on books.


Hey everyone! Well what do you know? I had to do this today, right after I emailed.

If you're going to use named_scope, you have to setup a counter cache.

then, in Author:

named_scope :published, :conditions => ["books_count > 0"]

if not named_scope, try:

Author.find(:all, :conditions => ["books_count > 0"])

Either way, counter_cache would be a good thing to setup since doing these kinds of finds will be a lot less CPU intensive.