
I trying to sort my posts by month at the way railscasts tells

I only got the undefinded method error that beginning_at_month doesn't exists undefined method `beginning_of_month' for Time:Class

why is beginning_at_month an undefined method it's also in the api

I trying to sort my posts by month at the way railscasts tells

I only got the undefinded method error that beginning_at_month doesn't exists undefined method `beginning_of_month' for Time:Class

why is beginning_at_month an undefined method it's also in the api

It's an instance method (ie but from the
error message it looks like you did Time.beginning_of_month


For that it works but now i have not the same result as in the railscast

in my controller

def archieven   @blogs = Blog.find(:all)   @weblog_months = @blogs.group_by { } end

the view

<% @weblog_months.each do |month, blogs| %> <h1><%= month.strftime('%b') %></h1>   <% for @blog in blogs %>   <%= link_to @blog.title, :controller =>'weblog', :action => 'show', :id => @blog %><br>   <% end %>   <% end %>

The problem is that when i post a new post in another month it also comes into the old month there are no archives like into the railscast

Okay i got an idea what was wrong now it is

def archieven   @blogs = Blog.find(:all, :order => 'created_at, id')   @weblog_months = @blogs.group_by {|t| t.created_at.beginning_of_month } end

thanks for your help Frederick

For that it works but now i have not the same result as in the

in my controller

def archieven @blogs = Blog.find(:all) @weblog_months = @blogs.group_by { } end

What you want to do is group_by {|blog|
blog.created_at.beginning_of_month} (assuming created_at is the
relevant date)
