Automatic route match for home and admin

I am trying to avoid having to type each controller path manually and use the match as in here: ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'. So I commented out all the manually routes and uncommented the match rule down at the bottom of routes.rb.

It works for home controllers, but not the ones located at the admin folder.

I tried modifying the match rule to include the "admin" path, but with no success:

I keep getting this error: No route matches [GET] "/admin/shop_services_configurator/index"

Look what I am trying to do:   match '/admin/:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'

My goal is to have just two rules: one for home and one for admin.

Is it possible? thanks

Kopy::Application.routes.draw do # home area # get "home/index" # get "my_account/index" # get "users/edit" # get "users/update" # put "users/update" # get "addresses/list" # get "addresses/edit" # get "addresses/delete" # put "addresses/update"