Auto_complete_field works for all BUT Opera

The following code works fine for all browser except Opera.. Opera does not update the textfield selection when I select one of the item from the pop-up list and press "Enter"...

Is there any way I could force the broswer to update the selected item into params before calls into action so this way it will work under Opera also?

any help is appreciated...

<td>                                 <%= text_field "portal", "searchtext" - %>

                                <div class="auto_complete" id="portal_searchtext_auto_complete">


                                <%= auto_complete_field :portal_searchtext,                                 :url =>{:controller=> 'portal',                                 :action => 'venue_site_live_search' },                                 :frequency => 0.2,                                 :update =>"portal_searchtext_auto_complete",                                 :indicator =>"ajax-loader",                                 :token =>","                                 -%> </td>