Any help with refactory this ugly code?

#verifications/index.haml - if Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0 - else   = link_to "Fast Verify", fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last), :method => :put = link_to "Normal Verify", verify_info_verification_path(ad), :method => :put

#verifications/verify_info.haml = link_to "Verify", verify_verification_path(@ad)

#verifications/fast_verify_info.haml = link_to "Verify", fast_verify_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last), :method => :put

#verification_controller.rb   def verify_info     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])   end

  def fast_verify_info     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])   end

  def fast_verify     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])     @ad.verify!     if Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0       redirect_to verifications_path     else     redirect_to fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last)     end   end

  def verify     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])     @ad.verify!     if params[:fast] == true       redirect_to Ad.unverified_ads.last     else     redirect_to verifications_path     end   end

I think there is too many actions, how to improve this?

Try replacing the redundant bits one at a time. For instance:

  Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0 is equivalent to   Ad.unverified_ads.blank?

And you're repeating "if...else" a lot with just one line in each, so turn it into a ternary:

   if Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0      redirect_to verifications_path    else      redirect_to fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last)    end


   redirect_to (Ad.unverified_ads.blank? ? verifications_path : fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last))

Thanks a lot, this my amendments.

Thanks a lot.

I maked some improvments =>

#verifications/index.haml - if Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0 - else   = link_to "Fast Verify", fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last), :method => :put = link_to "Normal Verify", verify_info_verification_path(ad), :method => :put

#verifications/verify_info.haml = link_to "Verify", verify_verification_path(@ad)

#verifications/fast_verify_info.haml = link_to "Verify", fast_verify_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last), :method => :put

#verification_controller.rb   def verify_info     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])   end

  def fast_verify_info     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])   end

  def fast_verify     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])     @ad.verify!     if Ad.unverified_ads.size == 0       redirect_to verifications_path     else     redirect_to fast_verify_info_verification_path(Ad.unverified_ads.last)     end   end

  def verify     @ad = Ad.find(params[:id])     @ad.verify!     if params[:fast] == true       redirect_to Ad.unverified_ads.last     else     redirect_to verifications_path     end   end