ANNOUNCE: Hirb - A gem enhancing your script/console

Hi,   I'm announcing Hirb, a mini view framework which enables script/ console to provide custom views. Out of the box your activerecord objects come back as ascii tables. You can also configure your tree-based models to return as ascii trees:   Numeric   >-- Float   >-- Integer   > >-- Bignum   > `-- Fixnum   >-- Date::Infinity   `-- Rational

I've written two tutorials on it: Tagaholic - Hirb - Irb On The Good Stuff and Tagaholic - Ruby Class and Rails Plugin Trees With Hirb It's also got some decent documentation: RDoc Documentation

To try it out: gem install cldwalker-hirb --source

Enjoy! Gabriel


This looks pretty cool! Quick question: is there a way to set this up to be used automatically from script/console and/or irb?



This looks pretty cool! Quick question: is there a way to set this up to be used automatically from script/console and/or irb?

Should be able to just put the following into your ~/.irbrc

require 'hirb' Hirb::View.enable

Thanks Phillip. Danimal, if you're using Hirb just for Rails, you can add it in config/environment.rb and only have it load when using script/console: if $0 == 'irb'   require 'hirb'   Hirb::View.enable end

Also, if you're using Wirble make sure to put Hirb::View.enable after loading Wirble.
