ambiguous nested conditions on find

Hi, i'm trying to figure out how to do a query with an ambiguous condition

Lets say Comment belongs_to :article and :user, and Article :belongs_to :user

How can I find the comments by one user on articles by another user in one query?

This doesnt work, but is kind of the idea:

     Comment.find :all, :conditions => {'' => 'Cccc', :article => { '' => 'Aaaa' } }, :include => [:user, { :article => :user } ]


Hi, i'm trying to figure out how to do a query with an ambiguous condition

Lets say Comment belongs_to :article and :user, and Article :belongs_to :user

How can I find the comments by one user on articles by another user in one query?

This doesnt work, but is kind of the idea:

    Comment.find :all, :conditions => {'' => 'Cccc', :article => { '' => 'Aaaa' } }, :include => [:user, { :article => :user } ]

The table will be aliased, so your conditions need to be something
like :conditions => {'' => 'Cccc', '' =>
'Aaaa'}, :include (or :joins) =>... It won't actually be aliased_users, however I believe the naming
scheme for the aliases is deterministic, so just have a look at the
query generated to see what table aliases are being generated
