Allowing XML-RPC class.methodName (not MethodName)?

I'm trying to replace a legacy XML-RPC server with a Rails app, and all is going really well, with one exception. I can't find a way to allow javaCaseMethods for XML-RPC calls. It seems Rails wants CapsCaseMethods, ie:

   auth.HasPermission # works    auth.hasPermission # nope    auth.has_permission # nope

Is it possible to get the second two working? Snippets of my AuthAPI:

   class RpcController < ApplicationController       wsdl_service_name 'RPC'       web_service_dispatching_mode :layered

     # Send auth.* to AuthService      web_service :auth,    end

   class AuthAPI < ActionWebService::API::Base       api_method :has_permission,                           :expects => [:string, :string, :string, :string],                           :returns => [:bool]    end

   class AuthService < ActionWebService::Base       def has_permission(user_id, auth_object_key, permission_realm, permission)       auth_object_id = AuthObject.convert_key_to_id(auth_object_key)       User.has_permission?(user_id, auth_object_id, permission_realm, permission)    end

Thanks, Nate

Found the answer here:

Apparently need to use "inflect_names false", and then manually declare methods with properMixedCase.