Ajax Request Caching by Timestamp?

Hi everyone, first post here in the forum. I'm usually in #rubyonrails on freenode.

I've been thinking about the various types of caching, and I was wondering if its possible to have the server selectively send back data, instead sending nothing '0' if user has the newest data.

My example is a presence monitor, and it seems like the logic is:

- Rails caches the 'current user' list fragment with a timestamp. - User requests a view that contains a periodic_updater to the current user list (and the updater passes the timestamp in its requests back to server) - the server compares it to the current timestamp on that fragment. if its identical. send back a 0/nochange notice. otherwise send back the newer data with its timestamp. - now further xhr requests from client contain the updated timestamp.

I'd like to know if anyones already attempted or thought of this before.

Thanks! -zer0

Yes, or id.

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