after_validation stack level too deep

I am experiencing a loop within a after_validation when trying to update some attributes. Looks like it is calling validation recursively again and again and I am getting "stack level too deep" error message. I tried using a skip_callbacks but with no success.

Why is this occurring and how to fix it?

require 'correios-cep' class Address < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessible :id, :street, :neighborhood, :city, :state, :zipcode, :country, :is_primary, :user_id, :latitude, :longitude, :is_accurate_points   attr_accessor :invalid_primary, :populated_address, :skip_callbacks   belongs_to :user   validates :street, presence: true   validates :city, presence: true   #validates :neighborhood, presence: true   validates :state, presence: true   validates :zipcode, presence: true   validates :country, presence: true   validates :is_primary, :inclusion => {:in => [true, false]}   validate :is_primary, :invalid_primary?   validate :street, :validateStreet?   validate :zipcode, :validateZip?   after_validation :populate_address

  def populate_address      self.neighborhood = populate_address.neighborhood =      self.street = populate_address.street      self.state = populate_address.state   end end

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace Request


{"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"patch", "authenticity_token"=>"moURPhSZblDM6t70lg59TWUuDS8k6K/ygf8zMY1UBjE=", "address"=>{"zipcode"=>"88025-100", "street"=>"Rua Allan Kardec 35", "neighborhood"=>"Agronômica", "city"=>"Florianópolis", "state"=>"SC", "is_primary"=>"true"}, "commit"=>"Atualizar", "id"=>"2"} Toggle session dump Toggle env dump Response



I am experiencing a loop within a after_validation when trying to update some attributes. Looks like it is calling validation recursively again and again and I am getting "stack level too deep" error message. I tried using a skip_callbacks but with no success.

Why is this occurring and how to fix it?

require 'correios-cep' class Address < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :id, :street, :neighborhood, :city, :state, :zipcode, :country, :is_primary, :user_id, :latitude, :longitude, :is_accurate_points attr_accessor :invalid_primary, :populated_address, :skip_callbacks belongs_to :user validates :street, presence: true validates :city, presence: true #validates :neighborhood, presence: true validates :state, presence: true validates :zipcode, presence: true validates :country, presence: true validates :is_primary, :inclusion => {:in => [true, false]} validate :is_primary, :invalid_primary? validate :street, :validateStreet? validate :zipcode, :validateZip? after_validation :populate_address

def populate_address     self.neighborhood = populate_address.neighborhood =     self.street = populate_address.street     self.state = populate_address.state end end

If your method is called populate_address, and you have populate_address on the second line of that method, what exactly do you expect to happen but a loop? Is that a typo? You've used it over and over, and it doesn't seem to be defined anywhere else.


I am experiencing a loop within a after_validation when trying to update some attributes. Looks like it is calling validation recursively again and again and I am getting "stack level too deep" error message. I tried using a skip_callbacks but with no success.

Why is this occurring and how to fix it?

require 'correios-cep' class Address < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :id, :street, :neighborhood, :city, :state, :zipcode, :country, :is_primary, :user_id, :latitude, :longitude, :is_accurate_points attr_accessor :invalid_primary, :populated_address, :skip_callbacks belongs_to :user validates :street, presence: true validates :city, presence: true #validates :neighborhood, presence: true validates :state, presence: true validates :zipcode, presence: true validates :country, presence: true validates :is_primary, :inclusion => {:in => [true, false]} validate :is_primary, :invalid_primary? validate :street, :validateStreet? validate :zipcode, :validateZip? after_validation :populate_address

def populate_address    self.neighborhood = populate_address.neighborhood =    self.street = populate_address.street    self.state = populate_address.state end end

If your method is called populate_address, and you have populate_address on the second line of that method, what exactly do you expect to happen but a loop? Is that a typo? You've used it over and over, and it doesn't seem to be defined anywhere else.

1.9.3-p484 :001 > def foo 1.9.3-p484 :002?> 1.9.3-p484 :003?> end => nil 1.9.3-p484 :004 > foo SystemStackError: stack level too deep   from /Volumes/eddy/Users/waltd/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p484/lib/ruby/1.9.1/irb/workspace.rb:80


thanks for pointing this out. I think this is the problem, let me check and I will get back.

Thank you

Walter Davis wrote in post #1150092:

Thank you. It was typo, fixed now.