admin link in application helper


Im trying to create a helper method for my admin links. in quite a few views i have the code

<% if current_user %> <%= link_to "Edit", edit_model_path(model) %> <%= link_to "New", new_model_path %> <%= link_to "Delete", model, :confirm => "Your a Noob", :method => :delete %> <% end %>

that only display these when logged in.

I would like to do something like this in their place

<%= admin_links(model) %> and pass the current item into the application helper method

def admin_links(m) if current_user   a = "#{link_to "edit" edit_m_path(m)}"   a << "#{link_to "new" new_m_path}"   a << "#{link_to "Delete", m, :confirm => "Your a Noob", :method => :delete}" end end

Or something of the like. Im not as skilled in the way of helpers but would like to be.

any help would be great.

Thanks in advance


Here is how I have done it.

In routes:

map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|     admin.resources :users, :member=>{:edit_password=>:get,                                            :update_password=>:post }     admin.resources :suppliers     admin.resources :categories end

Now just use admin in the path methods eg.     = link_to 'Edit', edit_admin_user_path(@user)     = link_to 'Password', edit_password_admin_user_path(@user)     = link_to 'Back', admin_users_path

In the form: form_for [:admin,@user] do |f|

But have a look at the routing section on the railsguides site. There are quite a few options for setting up routes and I still have to play with some of them myself.

I am actually planning to eliminate the need for admin in my path methods by using :name_prefix=>nil in the route. I think I did this somewhere once when I needed to move a resource into the admin namespace. It simplifies the process since the paths don't need to be edited. But then admin wont appear or be required in the url.
