Add text just before the closing tag using Nokogiri

I'm using a Nokogiri based helper to truncate text without breaking HTML tags.

require "rubygems" require "nokogiri"

module TextHelper

  def truncate_html(text, max_length, ellipsis = "...")     ellipsis_length = ellipsis.length     doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse text     content_length = doc.inner_text.length     actual_length = max_length - ellipsis_length     content_length > actual_length ? doc.truncate(actual_length).inner_html + ellipsis : text.to_s   end


module NokogiriTruncator   module NodeWithChildren     def truncate(max_length)       return self if inner_text.length <= max_length       truncated_node = self.dup       truncated_node.children.remove

      self.children.each do |node|         remaining_length = max_length - truncated_node.inner_text.length         break if remaining_length <= 0         truncated_node.add_child node.truncate(remaining_length)       end       truncated_node     end   end

  module TextNode     def truncate(max_length)[0..(max_length - 1)], parent)     end   end


Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.send(:include, NokogiriTruncator::NodeWithChildren) Nokogiri::XML::Element.send(:include, NokogiriTruncator::NodeWithChildren) Nokogiri::XML::Text.send(:include, NokogiriTruncator::TextNode) On the line content_length > actual_length ? doc.truncate(actual_length).inner_html + ellipsis : text.to_s it appends the ellipse just after the last tag.

On my view I call <%= truncate_html(news.parsed_body, 700, "... Read more.").html_safe %>

The issue is that the text that is being parsed is wrapped in <p></p> tags, causing the view to break.

"Lorem Ipsum</p> ... Read More" So I'd like to ask if anyone knows how to append the ellipse just before the last closing </p> tag using Nokogiri, so the final output turns

"Loren Ipsum... Read More</p>