<table><tr> <% form_tag (:action => :add_remove_camper) do %> <td> <%= collection_select(:milk, :moos, @team_campers, :id, :full_name, {}, {:html => { :size => 20 }} )%><br />
Half the point of the form helpers that use instance variables is that the first one (:milk) is the name of the instance varaible and the second (:moos) is the name of the attribute you are editing. You're not editing an existing object (or creating one), so you could just be using select_tag and collection_for_select/options_for_select
<%= collection_select(:milk, :moos, @team_campers, :id, :full_name, {}, {:class => 'foo'} )
Should set the class of that item to foo. The text_are helpers take