ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord on attributes_update


I have a ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error when i update child attributes whereas when i create a new one it works fine.

Someone had this error?

Best, greg


I have a ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord error when i update child attributes whereas when i create a new one it works fine.

find marks records as read only if you specify a :joins option (you can override this with :readonly => false)


Sorry but i'm not sure where do I have to put a join.

here is my code: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessible :name, :prod_type, :min_visit, :max_visit, :price, :visible, :ingredient_attributes

  has_and_belongs_to_many :ingredients   belongs_to :city_preferences :city_preferences

  after_update :save_ingredients

  def ingredient_attributes=(ingredient_attributes)     ingredient_attributes.each do |ingredient|       if ingredient[:id].blank?       else         ing = Ingredient.detect {|i| == ingredient[:id].to_i}         ing.attributes = ingredient       end     end   end

  def save_ingredients     ingredients.each do |t| #false parameter = avoid validation     end   end


class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessible :name, :price, :visible

  has_and_belongs_to_many :products end

Thx Greg

Frederick Cheung wrote: