Active Scaffold and macromedia flash

Hi all,

I've a project which uses active scaffold and flash charts. Under active scaffold table (a list of questions) there is couple of charts related to the questions. What I want is to add a custom link to each active scaffold record which opens the chart on demand. I'm able to create custom action link, which references to action responsible for getting data for the chart.

The problem is, that it is not working. I'm new in Ruby on Rails, so I don't understand rendering well. As far as I know there are following templates (?) related to the charts: chart.rxml and _chart.rhtml. What I see, when I use "my" link, is some text output which originates in chart.rxml (e.g. 3d pie ffd800 ffaa00 6eb400 0171b6 570083 10 10 10 10 10). However, I want to see a flash chart. Same charts under the table ar rendered without problem, so I'm obviously missing a piece ...

Thank you for any advice ... Michal Filka