accessing key/value pairs in views from model TYPES list

I have a TYPES list in my model for ADDRESS_STATE_TYPES like ADDRESS_STATE_TYPES =   [ ['Alabama', 'AL'], ... Now in my controller i have the value of address_state from the pararms list which for the first in the list would be 'AL' How can I retrieve the 'Alabama' column in my controller if I have the other value, 'AL' from params list Thanks in advance

Well, since you have the data in an array, you can't index into it like you could in a Hash. There you could have

  { 'AL' => 'Alabama', ... }

and then you could find by either keys or values using name = ADDRESS_STATE_TYPES['AL'] or code = ADDRESS_STATE_TYPES.key('Alabama').

But in an array, you're going to have to iterate to find it:

def name_for_code(code)   ADDRESS_STATE_TYPES.each do | pair |     return pair.first if pair.last == code   end end


or e.g.

2.3.3 (main):0 > types = [['Alabama','AL'],['California','CA']] => [   [0] [     [0] "Alabama",     [1] "AL"   ],   [1] [     [0] "California",     [1] "CA"   ] ] 2.3.3 (main):0 > types.to_h.invert.dig("CA") => "California" 2.3.3 (main):0 >

