250 Snippets for RadRails

RadRails is a wonderful IDE for developing Rails/Ruby, and supports a similar auto-completion mechanism to TextMate's snippets, called templates. You activate them by typing a portion of the template name, and pressing CTRL-SPACE.

But RadRails doesn't come with many templates for Rails development.

I've just finished porting all the TextMate snippets across to RadRails - about 250 of them. I hope they are useful to other RadRails developers!



Dr Nic …you rock! Thank you!



thanks for sharing, dr nic ! thats a significant contribution

Is there a document describing all the wonderful templates? (Maybe I'm blind, since I did not see it)


MartOn wrote:

Is there a document describing all the wonderful templates? (Maybe I'm blind, since I did not see it)

Nothing available - I suggest looking at each template (on loaded) and see what it does.

But some interesting summaries:

Assertion templates start with 'as', and the subsequent letters are the first letters of the words in the assertion, e.g. assert_equals => ase, assert_not_nil => asnn Migration templates start with 'm' Validation templates start with 'v' Render templates start with 'r' and the subsequent letters are based on the generated parts Redirect templates start with 're'


Thanks man, this is great! I started my own little collection a while ago, but it wasn't near as complete as this! It's really cool!

Thanks again,

Gustav Paul gustav@rails.co.za