2 user types - shared sessions controller?

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Don't you love it when someone prefaces their discussion with being new to Rails?

I have a common user type for my application, and recently added a second model for a different type of user - different rights, different tools, etc. I'd like to keep the two models separate - and wasn't convinced that STI was right for my situation. Therefore...

I'd like to keep the user types separate, but was hoping to share the sessions controller. Is there a way to modify the session controller below to allow for two types of users to access it. I started by making a completely separate sessions controller for the other user type (let's say user2) - but it certainly doesn't seem DRY.

Should I try to edit the controller below? Use STI or Polymorphic? Other? Help.

class SessionsController < ApplicationController

  def new     @title = "Sign in"   end

  def create     user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email],                              params[:session][:password])     if user.nil?       flash.now[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination."       @title = "Sign in"       render 'new'     else       sign_in user       redirect_back_or user     end   end

  def destroy     sign_out     redirect_to root_path   end end